浇筑 浇筑要避免阳光直射及风吹,施工时直接将搅拌好的材料倒在处理好的地面上,用带齿的刮板将材料摊平并控制其厚度,静止2分钟让里面包裹的气泡排除,再用消泡滚筒进行消泡。在浇筑过程中要控制施工作业面宽度不要超过8-10m,施工段可采用分隔带,在安装分隔带前应放线定位。 Pouring casting to avoid direct sunlight and wind, c**truction material mixture directly to fall on good ground, lay flat with toothed scraper will materials and control its thickness, static 2 minutes to let the inside package bubbles out, then use foam foam roller. To control the c**truction in the process of casting surface width not more than 8 to 10 m, the c**truction period of separation zone, can be used in the installation shall be positioned pay-off before separation zone. 北京金盾地坪工程有限公司是一家专业从事无机磨石制作、仝加磨地坪施工、北京水磨石地坪、北京水洗石、北京环氧磨石服务热线:13811123901